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This is an example of scaffolding for a library using TypeScript and Parcel.

IMPORTANT: The placeholders must be replaced with their actual values, please change occurrences of:

  • AndresCalimero (GitHub user) and ts-library-template (repo name) in README.md
  • ts-library-template with the name of the library in package.json
  • @andrescalimero with the GitHub username in lowercase in package.json
  • AndresCalimero (GitHub user), ts-library-template (repo name), Andres Calimero (author name) and andrescalimero@hotmail.es (author email) in package.json
  • Andres Calimero (author name) and 2020 (year) in LICENSE
  • AndresCalimero (GitHub user) and ts-library-template (repo name) in CONTRIBUTING.md


Auto publish

Due to limitations in GitHub Actions you have to provide a GitHub PAT (Personal Access Token) if you want to publish the library and the documentation automatically on every release, to provide the PAT you have to set the variable ACCESS_TOKEN in your repository's secrets with the token as the value. The token should have access to the repo scope.

Publishing to NPM

If you want your library to be published to NPM automatically you must set the variable NPM_TOKEN in your repository's secrets. It should be a valid NPM personal token with the right permissions.

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